As you read The Orphan Keeper, your heart will break for Taj, you'll cheer him on as he searches for answers, and celebrate with him as he finds some of them! We hope you'll give The Orphan Keeper a read and tell us what you think of it!
For those of you who do not know, I lived in Utah before moving to Ohio a couple of years ago. One place I miss from the west coast is Swig. They had fancy soda drinks and the most delicious sugar cookies called Swig cookies. Man, my mouth is watering just thinking about them. Their cookies were so soft and yummy, one was never enough. Anyways, the other day I was craving them so of course I headed to Pinterest to find a recipe simular. And guys I hit jack pot. My girls and I had so much fun making and eating not only the cookies but the dough! Haha, what can I say we love dough! I found the...
We all have our favorite go-to recipe and I wanted to share mine with you! I have been making this recipe since I was a little girl. I’ve had it memorized for years…it’s almost a part of me! Ha! So let’s make some cookies!
This time of year, I’m all about baking! Whether I’m making something for my family or to take a neighbor, I just love a cozy day at home baking a tasty treat! Since it’s November, and we’re all about pumpkin treats, I thought I would share one of my favorite. It’s simple to make and it’s a crowd pleaser!